How to Endure in Marriage And 20 Things That Can Facilitate Endurance in Marriage

  • How to Endure in Marriage And 20 Things That Can Facilitate Endurance in Marriage
How to Endure in Marriage
How to Endure in Marriage And 20 Things That Can Facilitate Endurance in Marriage

You’ve endure nothing until you make-up your mind to say, “I will pursue you continually as long as we both shall live. This is the long-range view of marriage and it is what helps us endure any and all hardships that come our way”. most marriage could not hold because they don’t know how to endure some little things.

Here are some tips to help you Endurance your marriage:

1. First of all keep divorce off the table.

Untill you stop making divorce a back-up plan in your marriage, the ability to endure even little things in your marriage will be difficult. If you keep divorce in your mind your paspective about marriage will always remain the same. Be optimistic about your marriage. Make up your mind that no matter what in this my marriage I’m stay for good because we started with love we must end with love. Things will  still change for better I believe, and because of my children and some other things I’m surely staying for good.

2. Stop trying to change your spouse.

People don’t change most times by the way we try to correct them. They can only change when they decide to change within themselves so give it time and remember to pray about the situation.

One woman shared:

“The day I accepted that my husband might not ever change,” a wife, married 50 years, wrote about her once-difficult marriage, “was the day things started to change for the better.”

I am convinced that if I hadn’t changed my attitude from one with a back- up plan of divorce to one of perseverance and commitment to making it work, we would not be married today.

Another shared:

I think the biggest thing is acceptance. We are two imperfect people coming together to do our best. We really have to work at taking time for each other. I also have to catch myself when I default to the ‘if he would only do this’ mindset.

The the third said: 

“My husband stopped taking alcohol and hard drugs when he was diagnosed of diabetes”

Another woman, whose parents were married 45 years, shared about the struggles they endured, including the death of a child, infidelity, and financial ruin. As for how her parents avoided divorce, she emphasized:

There was something in their soul, their being, that they ‘had’ to stay together. It was a commitment that today seems ‘old-fashioned,’ that defies logic. That sense of, ‘You must make it. You do not stop trying even when it all seems hopeless.’

And as one wife, whose husband confessed a porn addiction, put it: “When divorce isn’t an option, all other options become more realistic. When divorce isn’t sought after, healing is.”

3. Seek out supportive people who will fight for your marriage.

One woman, married 20 years, described in painful detail the slow crumbling of her marriage following the birth of a special-needs child, who needed constant medical attention. She and her husband grew increasingly distant, and he began an emotional affair, which she later discovered. However, instead of giving up, she reached out to supportive friends, priests, and family for help and support:

Knowing we were on the brink of a separation, I selectively brought a few key people into our circle of prayer and friendship…I shared my pain with two priests who knew us well, with a married couple who were friends to us both (and who would not gossip or judge), with my mother, and with my husband’s brother and his wife. Each of these trusted people wanted our marriage to survive and prosper.

4. Lean on the power of faith.

The couples featured in Miller’s book are Catholic, so it makes sense that faith would be a consistent theme throughout their stories of marital redemption. The majority found help and the strength to fight for their relationship through their church, relying heavily on prayer, counseling, and supportive priests and religious friends to help them keep their vow of “for better or worse.” Research, of course, confirms the power of faith and marriage, with shared prayer and frequent church attendance linked to stronger and higher-quality relationships.

5. Just jeep holding on to each other  especially for the sake of your children.

6. Know that choosing to stay and fight for your marriage is worth it.

One woman, married 43 years, put it best as she described the legacy of intact marriages in her family, including her own:

In the end, the staying together was better, best, and gratifying—and smart. It is not about happiness. There is a lot of comfort, love, and satisfaction, though, and yes there is happiness, but that is not the end all, be all. Whatever hell we thought we were going through was worth it. We can breathe, we are still together, we feel like warriors, we wear badges. With honor. We are married.

6. The level of Patience matters.

A successful marriage requires patience. Couples need to understand that it takes time to build a strong and healthy relationship. There will be ups and downs, but it’s important to remain patient and keep working towards your goals.

7. Being Flexibility matters. A healthy marriage requires flexibility. Couples should be willing to compromise, adapt and change when needed. Being flexible will help you adapt to changes and reduce conflicts.

8. Having a sense of humor. Laughter and humor can go a long way in keeping a marriage strong. Couples should strive to have fun together and not take everything too seriously.

9. Instant forgiveness. No one is perfect, and sometimes mistakes happen. It’s important to practice forgiveness in a marriage. Couples who are willing to forgive and move on from mistakes will have a stronger and more resilient relationship.

10. Show respect. Partners must show mutual respect towards each other’s opinions, beliefs, and feelings. This entails treating each other with dignity, being considerate, and valuing each other’s differences.

11. Don’t ever compromise. Both partners must be willing to make compromises to achieve a common goal. This means meeting halfway and being open to discussing concerns and finding ways to work through them.

12. Show maximum Support. Couples should be supportive of each other’s ambitions, aspirations, and goals.

13. Show real love. Love is the most important thing that  can facilitate endurance in a marriage. Love is what ties a marriage together and makes it stronger each passing day. So do everything to always show true love.

14.  Stand on the decision to Stay Committed. Finally, a successful marriage requires a strong commitment to each other. Couples need to be willing to put in the effort and make sacrifices to make their marriage work. This commitment will help them endure even through the toughest times.

20 Things That Can Facilitate Your Endurance in Marriage:

1. Communication. Open and honest communication is critical to a healthy marriage.

2. Trust. Trust is the foundation of any successful and enduring partnership.

3. Commitment. A strong commitment to one another establishes the basis for a lasting relationship.

4. Forgiveness. Forgiveness is essential to resolving conflicts and sustaining a long-term relationship.

5. Patience. Patience allows partners to work through issues without giving up.

6. Understanding. Understanding each other’s perspective and feelings is crucial for relationship success.

7. Support. Offering support when needed is important, especially in times of stress.

8. Appreciation. Expressing appreciation and gratitude for each other can build a stronger relationship.

9. Loyalty. Staying loyal to one another when things get challenging can help withstand the ups and downs of marriage.

10. Empathy. Empathizing with each other and being able to put oneself in the other’s shoes can help resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.

11. Humor. Incorporating humor and laughter can provide relief to tension and communicate love and affection.

12. Teamwork. Working together and sharing responsibilities can help maintain balance in the relationship.

13. Respect. Demonstrating mutual respect is critical for a successful partnership.

14. Listening. Listening actively and attentively can help partners feel heard and cared for.

15. Adaptability. Being able to adapt and adjust as a couple to changing circumstances can make the relationship stronger.

16. Compromise. Learning to compromise and find solutions that work for both parties can help maintain a healthy partnership.

17. Growth mindset. Maintaining an attitude of continuous growth and learning as a couple can help keep the relationship thriving.

18. Time and attention. Prioritizing quality time and focusing attention on each other can strengthen the connection between partners.

19. Shared values and goals. Having shared values and goals increases the sense of partnership and purpose in marriage.

20. Intimacy. Maintaining intimacy and physical connection can help keep the spark alive in a long-term relationship.