12 Ways to Overcome Insecurity in a Relationship

12 Ways to Overcome Insecurity in a Relationship

12 Ways to Overcome Insecurity in a Relationship
12 Ways to Overcome Insecurity in a Relationship

Insecurity won’t just happen in a relationship if there is no cause. It is either you have once caught your partner in the act or you are trying to use your past relationships to judge your present relationship, and lots more.

This article will surely shed light on relationship Insecurity and how to easily tackle it.

How can you solve insecurity problem in your relationship?

Here are some tips to help address insecurity in your relationship:

1. Stop worrying about the future of the relationship: You need to stop overthinking yourself because you always want your relationship work or end in marriage. You need to stop being too desperate about it because you want it work at all costs. Just have it at the back of your mind that it’s either the relationship end into marriage or the other way round, you don’t have to force it. Invest time and effort into building a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Engage in activities together, create shared goals, and prioritize quality time to strengthen your bond. Instead of having time to think on where the relationship will lead to, work on making every moment of it worth it.

2. Don’t dwell on past relationship mistakes: Even if the person have been caught in the act once, he or she should be given the benefit of doubt if genuinely sorry. Don’t always dwell on the past mistakes if you know your partner has changed, and If it’s your past experiences that is making you doubt your partner, you need to stop thinking your partner will do the same. You might have been into series of bad relationships in the past but don’t use that to judge your present relationship, you need to learn to let him do such before you react, conclude or start having insecurity issues.

3.Practice self-compassion: Conclude within yourself that I won’t be bothered again before it happens. Always think in two ways: it’s either it fails me or it will work for me, I will surely take heart no matter what. Learn to encourage yourself at all times to face it. Work on developing a strong sense of self-worth. Focus on your positive qualities, engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, and practice self-care.

4. Approach all matters with patience: Be very calm. Don’t conclude when you have not seen any evidence, don’t assume because you have always been experiencing that in your past relationships, it’s your past not him. Don’t think he is also cheating on you because of your past, you have to wait until you have seen a prove of it. Minimize assumptions, it will only bring more of insecurities to the relationship.

5. Love yourself more and believe in yourself: Let your love rely on you not him all the times. Conclude that even if this doesn’t work I won’t die for it, I will always pick up my pieces and start all over again and if my partner is not there for me, I will surely be there for myself. Understand that self love will stop you from being too desperate about the relationship. Love yourself and stop taking everything with all seriousness.

6. Stop jumping into conclusions: It’s until you have seen the evidence you should conclude. If you haven’t seen anything don’t react, learn to keep calm even though you are pained, Learn to control your emotions, you always have to wait until you have seen it all.

7. Identify the source: Reflect on the root causes of your insecurities. Were there past experiences that have influenced your feelings? Understanding the source can help you address them more effectively.

8. Challenge negative thoughts: Recognize and challenge any negative thoughts or assumptions you may be making about yourself or your relationship. Replace them with more positive and realistic thoughts.

9. Seek support: Consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you navigate your insecurities. They can provide guidance, support, and tools to help you overcome your insecurities.

10. Trust your partner: Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Believe in your partner’s loyalty and commitment unless there is evidence to the contrary. Remember that trust is earned over time.

11. Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Find healthy ways to cope with your insecurities, such as journaling, practicing mindfulness or meditation, or engaging in physical activities. These coping mechanisms can help manage anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

12. Set realistic expectations and limit your expectations for the relationship: Understand that no one is perfect and things can change at anytime anytime so don’t always expect too much from your partner. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your relationship, Just base everything on what you have seen so far and have it in mind that it’s everyone that can disappoint including you and you need to allow space for growth and imperfections.

Insecurities will always occur in a relationship that is once caught in the act but if people are genuinely sorry, learn to forgive truly without looking into their past mistakes, if you always look into their past mistakes you will always have issues with the relationship and remember that addressing insecurities takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and your partner as you work towards a more secure and fulfilling relationship.