Why You Are Not Attracting Good Men Or Good Women In Your Life

Why You Are Not Attracting Good Men Or Good Women In Your Life

1. You have not healed. A healed person deserves a healed partner.

2. You waste time in the wrong places where good people don’t exist.

3. You come off as too desperate, too fast and too forward chasing people away.

4. You are not available because you are
entertaining the wrong people.

5. You don’t believe good people exist so you don’t deserve to be loved by one. You won’t value what you are convinced doesn’t exist.

6. You are not living out your purpose. Your future spouse will be attracted to your purpose.

7. You have hidden yourself. You rarely socialize. Your life revolves around work and home.

8. Your life and work activities are mostly engaged with interactions with married people. Single people are not in your frequent interactions.