40 Ways to Identify Who Will be a Fake Partner in Relationship

40 Ways to Identify Who Will be a Fake Partner in Relationship

40 Ways to Identify How Will be a Fake Partner in Relationship
40 Ways to Identify Who Will be a Fake Partner in Relationship

How to know who will be a true lover. It’s a distinction everyone who’s been hurt by love wants to know how to make.

Knowing how to differentiate the type of love someone has for you (and the type you have for them) is an important skill when you’re a seriously searching single. It really comes down to true love or the  fake one.

Imagine you’ve just met someone, and you have great rapport. You enjoy talking with one another, spend hours on the phone (or video chat), and have chemistry on your first couple of dates.

Everything seems to be going well. And your intuition is telling you to be careful not to fall too fast or too hard. You’ve been here before and you don’t want to get hurt again.

Real love can be seen and felt in both words as well as actions whereas fake love comprises a mere assortment of fake words.

So, how do you tell the difference between true love versus fake love?

40 Ways to Identify How Will be a Fake Partner in Relationship:

1. They are always lying, even when there is no reason to.

2. They are emotionally unavailable, and refuse to share their feelings or listen to yours.

3. They constantly criticize you, making you feel insecure and ashamed.

4. They gaslight you, making you doubt your own perceptions and memories.

5. They isolate you from family and friends, trying to control who you spend time with.

6. They constantly break promises, leaving you disappointed and frustrated.

7. They refuse to compromise, always insisting on having their way.

8. They frequently guilt-trip you, making you feel responsible for their problems.

9. They use physical or verbal abuse to control you.

10. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions, always blaming others.

11. They are selfish and only care about their own needs.

12. They have unrealistic expectations for the relationship, making it impossible to live up to their standards.

13. They are emotionally manipulative, always twisting things to make themselves look good.

14. They are jealous and possessive, trying to control who you talk to and spend time with.

15. They are constantly looking for attention and validation, trying to make themselves feel better at your expense.

16. They are disrespectful and rude, making you feel belittled and unimportant.

17. They refuse to apologize or make amends for hurting you.

18. They insist on keeping secrets, making you feel like you can’t trust them.

19. They refuse to compromise on important issues, like finances or parenting.

20. They are emotionally distant, making it difficult to connect with them emotionally.

21. They have a history of cheating or being unfaithful in previous relationships.

22. They refuse to seek help for their problems, like addiction or mental illness.

23. They constantly contradict themselves, making it difficult to know what they really want.

24. They refuse to communicate openly and honestly, making it difficult to resolve conflicts.

25. They are passive-aggressive, making it difficult to know what they really mean.

26. They are always criticizing your appearance, behavior, or choices.

27. They refuse to support your goals or dreams, making you feel discouraged and unsupported.

28. They use emotional blackmail to get what they want, threatening to leave or harm themselves if you don’t comply.

29. They have unrealistic expectations for the relationship, believing that you should meet all of their needs.

30. They refuse to compromise on important decisions, like where to live or how to raise your children.

31. They are unreliable, often canceling plans or showing up late.

32. They refuse to take responsibility for their mistakes, always blaming others for their problems.

33. They are constantly accusing you of being unfaithful or dishonest.

34. They are emotionally unstable, often experiencing extreme mood swings or outbursts.

35. They have a history of stalking or harassing their partners.

36. They refuse to accept criticism or feedback, becoming defensive and hostile.

37. They are obsessed with their appearance, often spending hours grooming and primping.

38. They refuse to compromise on their values or beliefs, even if it means causing conflict in the relationship.

39. They have a history of abusive behavior, either towards you or towards previous partners.

40. They are constantly changing their mind or direction, making it difficult to know what they really want.

To know a fake lover is not easy but at some points you can easily identify who will be a fake lover through the things he or she is doing or what he or she is saying. If you know all these things above you should be able to know who will be a fake lover.